• Don’t Share Bacteria: Sharing things that have been in someone else’s mouth can pass cavity causing bacteria to the baby. Don’t let adults or other children share spoons, straws, toothbrushes or anything that has been in someone else’s mouth.

• Don’t Feed the Bacteria that Cause Decay: Give the child’s teeth a chance to get stronger. Instead of juice or sugary drinks, give the child water throughout the day and at bedtime/naptime.

• Start Brushing the Child’s Teeth with the Very First Tooth: Brush the child’s teeth/gums twice a day. Use a small, soft toothbrush and a “smear” of fluoride toothpaste.

• Spit Don’t Rinse and don’t let your child play with or eat toothpaste.

• Take children to the dentist when you see the first tooth, or by their 1st birthday.

• Children should be seen at least annually for a check-up, more frequently if they are at greater risk.

• Children like to copy Mom and Dad so be a good role model for tooth brushing.

*Non-fluoride toothpaste and baby tooth gels do not work to prevent cavities.


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