Dental Integration
Advantage Dental's Dental Integration Program is designed to integrate and coordinate dental services into the medical or behavioral health system. Basic services are available for all patients regardless of insurance. Hygiene and teledentistry services are
available for Advantage Medicaid Members only.
Our keys to success include:
- A shared vision
- Vested interest from resources and staff
- Oral health champion being on-site
- Strong team dynamics between providers and staff
- Measurable patient utilization
Program Workflow
First, a medical or behavioral health provider screens patients at wellness appointment. They will use a screening tool to determine risk level and/or completes a visual look in the mouth. If patient scores as high risk and/or has any visual concerns, the doctor will make a referral for a dental appointment with the EPDH.
The referral process is through entities EHR. The referral is sent to an individual in their organization. This individual/team will reach out and schedule the patient(s) for a dental appointment with the EPDH. Through the EHR, the partnering clinic can track progress of appointments and measure effectiveness of integration.
Basic Services
The following basic services are included as part of our Dental Integration program:
- Oral health assessment
- Fluoride treatments (SDF & fluoride varnish with betadine)
- Dental sealants
- Temporary restorations without excavation
- Oral hygiene instructions
- Nutritional counseling
- Tobacco counseling
- Toothbrush kits
- Care coordination
Hygiene Services
In some areas, we provide hygiene services. Contact us for more details if we offer this service in your area. If your region qualifies, the following hygiene services are included as part of our Dental Integration program:
- All basic services, listed above
- Prophylaxis (dental cleaning)
In some areas, we offer teledentistry. Contact us for more details if we offer this service in your area. If your region qualifies, the following services are included as part of our teledentistry Dental Integration program:
- All basic services, listed above, except temporary restorations without excavation
- All hygiene services, listed above, if dental cleanings are available in your area
- X-rays
- Intra-oral photographs
- Periodontal probing and charting
- Teledentistry exam and treatment plan by a tele-dentist
Community Care
Explore Our Community Efforts
The Advantage Dental community care team provides kids and adults with free dental services in schools and community programs across Oregon.
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Fill Out Your Consent Form
In order to participate in an Advantage Dental Community Care program, you must fill out our consent form.
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